Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Frankenstein Meets My Wolfman, lol

I did this one for the October Shadows V Put on by Creature Features, the coolest store in the world.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Friday Afternoon Cartoon- The Scooby Doo Project

Been really too busy to post, but here you go:

If you liked (or hated) The Blair Witch Project...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thunderball my favorite James Bond film of all time. From Russia With Love is very good, and so is Goldfinger, but Thunderball was the first Bond film I saw on the ABC Sunday Night Movie in the 1970's. 

A painting from the great Frank McCarthy.

Old Movie makeup, Lon Chaney and John Chambers

When I first started out in this business, I heard a lot of strange stories about John Chambers, who was the makeup man on the Planet of the Apes films from the 1970's. I'd heard silly stuff like he was the guy in the suit in the classic Patterson Bigfoot footage from around that time, as well as even stranger stuff like him working for the government. I thought the stories were fun but outlandish, but listening to a video today brought all those tales back up again.

Anyway, here's the Patterson Bigfoot footage:

And here's the video, which talks about old movie makeup and mentions Chambers in a way that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in a deja vu kinda way:

I'm not saying that he was in the Bigfoot footage or that any of the stuff I heard were anything but Hollywood gossip/hearsay, but the stories were really fun and this Aint It Cool video brought all of this stuff back up for me.

PS- I also worked with Mike Westmore on Deep Space Nine and First Contact, and he was just the nicest man, despite some of the stuff that Harry talks about Bud Westmore and his time at Universal, although some of the Creature of the Black Lagoon stories about Bud around town don't really cast him in a good light.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hieroglyph and Warhead: Fish Mummy

From issue two of Hieroglyph. There's an intricate history/backstory that I've created for the novel and the comic book, and this fish mummy guy is part of one of the ancient cultures of the planet. A lot of this is just based on my love for all cultures, particularly the Ancient World. I researched Mediterranean frescoes and Pre-Columbian burial practices for this panel.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Heiroglyph and Warhead: The Great Pyramid

I've come to the conclusion that I have not made enough of an effort to explain the connection between Hieroglyph, but four-issue comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics in 1999, and Warhead, my novel published in 2010 by Reliquary Press.

Both stories are set on the planet Ishun, and the Great Pyramid, depicted below on page 11 and 12 of issue one of Hieroglyph, is one of the setting in Warhead, but three thousand years later.

Anyway, here you go:


I had coffee and toast for breakfast.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mummy of the Day Returns!!!!!

It will be dark and you're going to hurry from your car to your front door, trying to find your keys and get inside. As you put the key into the doorlock, look over your shoulder.

I'll be there:)

Prey storyboards- Warning: Not for kids!

I worked on the film adaption of the late Michael Chricton's novel about nanotechnology, which really never got off the ground.

That used to be my fax machine number, lol. I think if you try it now, you'll get Mcdonald's.

Monday, October 15, 2012

John Carter of Mars- More Thark stuff

Just explaining the inner workings of my Thark design's costume.

Do a search of this blog to see the other John Carter Of Mars stuff that I contributed.

Disney's Dinosaur dinosaur

I did this for Disney's dinosaur movie. I'll get a better scan up soon. There you go.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Friday Afternoon Cartoon: Vincent

The original animated short by Tim Burton, from 1982.

Have a good weekend, all five of you.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crummy drawing of the day returns with a vengeance!

I know where this is from but you don't! Nya, nya, nyah!

Hieroglyph IV cover

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Trailers for movies you should see: Amadeus

Salieri is a garden-variety court composer who resents Mozart's child-like prodigy.

Best Picture...1984, I think.

Dinosaur Nerd Alert?!?!

One of my favorite pages from the last series. I like dinosaur fights as much as the next fan, but this stuff is the bread and butter of the story for me.

Beautiful color stuff here by Jim Campbell.

Yet another David Blaine magic trick

If you're one of the five people that follow this blog, you know I like magic.

I guess he could have had another copy of the watch already in the jewelry case, but how did he reach through the glass?

Friday, October 5, 2012

NBA pop quiz

Who is the leading scorer in NBA history?

Is it this guy:

Or this guy:


That's right.

PLUS Kareem fought Bruce Lee in Game of Death:


Just because...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cosmos part 4

Shut up and learn something.