Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Blog Re-start

Hello everyone,

I'd decided to re-start my blog in addition to my  facebook pages here and here, so please check back on this blog shortly :)

Perhaps some personal sketches and such.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ebay posts

Hi Everyone,

Hope all is well.

I'm maintaining my Facebook presence pretty consistently, but I've decided to post eBay auctions here, and here's a few:


Monday, April 4, 2016


Hi everyone,

It looks like I've been pretty consistent over at facebook lately, and I encourage all of you to friend me HERE.

I'm not sure how consistently I'm going to continue to post here, but the best way to readh me or see my artwork is now on my facebook page.

Please don't be shy!

Thanks again,


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hulk throws a truck

From the Hulk animated series I worked on a few years back.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tron 2 art

An old drawing from a proposed Tron sequel, back in the '90's.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016

Keep on Blogging! More Eragon storyboards

After thinking about it over the weekend, I've decided to keep this blog active, at least for the foreseeable future. You can still Facebook me HERE, but I will be posting stuff here that you won't be able to see on my Facebook page.

That stated, here's some more Eragon storyboards. THere's actual action in this sequence, and here it comes:

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

No more arrows!

Since storyboards are used to create animatics instead of using them as on-set guides, you don't really see arrows in storyboards anymore, at least for film and tv stuff.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Find me on Facebook!

I just joined Facebook and you can find my profile HERE!

I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to go only to Facebook or continue here as well, but I will continue to post here until I decide, then let all five of you know.

I like that this blog has translation capability for other languages for readers around the world, so please add me as a friend if you'd like and give me your thoughts.


Yours truly @ Comic Fest in 3D!

Special thanks to Bill Fannin, a nice man from Tuscon Arizona with questionable taste in paleoart :)

The image I'm holding is a special Suchomimus print only available at Conventions and such.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Video evidence of me at Comic Fest 2016!

Okay, so if you freeze it at 5:32, there I am, sellin' dinosaur, robot and monster drawings!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Yours Truly at San Diego Comic Fest!

Thanks to Mr. John Higashi for the pic!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

San Diego Comic Fest- Ecto one and Zdenek Burian!

You know it's been a good convention when the Ghostbusters show up!

And I received a great gift from a nice man, Mr. Bill Fannin from Tucson, Arizona, two of the amazing Burian prehistoric animal books from the 1950's!

Thanks, Bill!

Earth Wind and Fire- September

Basically, my favorite from these guys, full of memories from the late 1970's.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ancient Egyptians, Comic Fest style

Come tell me how lousy the fourth cover of AE was at Comic Fest!

EWF- Shining star

Another great, fun EWF song from the '70's.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Comic Fest this weekend!

Hope to see all five of you there!

It's John William's Birthday!

This might be my favorite!

No wait, this one!

No, no, this one!

WAIIT! This one:

This is the 50th academy award nomination for Mr. Williams:

Monday, February 8, 2016

New Comic Fest ad

Here's a new ad for the show this weekend.

Hope to a few of all five of you out there!

EWF tribute

I was a big EWF fan as a kid, and the leading singer of the group, Maurice White, passed away last week. The first concert I ever went to as a kid was in December 1982 at the Forum in Los Angeles to see EWF, and the girl I went with ended up marrying me, so as a thank you I'll post a song here every day this week.

Let's groove!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

San Diego Comic Fest Update!

Awesome drawing above by fellow artist Syan Sakai, by the way!

I will be at the con next weekend, and I will have plenty of prints to sell but also original art from Ancient Egyptians, very reasonably priced, like this:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Appearance at San Diego Comic Fest

Just a reminder that next weekend I will be appearing at San Diego Comic fest, selling both prints and original art.

Here's a  LINK to my Fest bio.

Be great to see all five of you out there!

George is 007, and we're not

George Lazenby in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, my favorite Bond film.

Two for Thursday!

To make up for not posting yesterday, I decided to treat/torture all five of you with two panels from Eragon, a movie apparently most of us have never seen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Eragon storyboards 017

I like the top two panels. Forget how much pencil milage I've put into these storyboards, lol. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Another Ancient Egyptians review!

Age of Reptiles Ancient Egyptians

You can order a copy of Ancient Egyptians HERE!

Eragon storyboard panel 016

In the middle panel, the camera should push out, not in. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Eragon storyboards 015

I'm thinking sandwich for lunch.

Hope everyone's having a good Thursday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

There's nothing cooler than being a Gargantua!

When I was a kid I wanted to work on a Japanese monster movie and build miniature sets and then put on the costume and be the monster and stomp the heck out of the set while I filmed it :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Star Wars in 1977 becomes Ancient Egyptians in 2016

When I was a little kid, I read this book over and over:

And I never in my wildest dreams thought that the guy who wrote the book above and the book below:

Would one day write an introduction to one of my books:

Today is a good day, and I'm very proud.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

eragon storyboards 012

This is going to turn into a pretty complex sequence. I have no idea who the orc guy is, but I had a lot of fun with this sequence!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eragon sequence

I have no idea how the picture turned out, but over the next few days/weeks I'm going to post a sequence from the script that I boarded.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Enjoy MLK day

Do something that might make Dr. King smile, and it'll be a good day.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Two birds

I savor every day that I am given here, even the tough days.

When the two birds fly by as they are talking...well, that's sublime:)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's a new Ebay auction!

Selling this baby! Lots of croc/spino action!

Find the link HERE!

Age of Reptiles- The Journey TPB, Spanish style!


Norma Publishing of Spain has come out with a trade paperback of The Journey, and you can get it HERE! The cover looks cool, and while I have not received my copies via Dark Horse yet, I am told it looks pretty darn cool:

Monday, January 11, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

More Age of Reptiles stories on the way

On the day after the publication of the Age of Reptiles- Ancient Egyptians trade paperback, I'm hard at work on the next series :)