I did these a few years ago for a video game. There's a few sequences, and they show cinematics as well as gameplay. I'll post them all over the next few days, so make sure you come back, there will be plenty to make fun of.
I had cereal and orange juice for breakfast.
Like I said, I'll post a few more sequences over the next few days.
I was looking at my DVD collection and was annoyed that too many of my movies feature people with guns in their hands, but anyway here you go.
Father. Husband. Son. Brother. Kid from the East San Fernando Valley becomes comic book creator, novelist, concept artist, storyboard artist, instructor, worshiper of classic Spielberg and Lucas, fanatic of all things dinosauria, Los Angeles sports teams fan, enjoyer of tacos up and down the West Coast, Kurosawa and Hitchcock sycophant, driver of fast European cars, inherent resister of authority, and graduate of Art Center College of Design.
You can email me at ricardodelgadoart@gmail.com